Department of Computer Science (DCS)

Dr. M. Babu Reddy

Head of the Department

The Department of Computer Science was established as a regular course in the academic year 2008-09, the inception year of the University. The Department's vision and mission is to advance, evolve and enhance Computer Science and Software Engineering fundamentals to build the intellectual capital of research and students. The Department offers two year course in Master of Computer Application (MCA) and Ph.D., program in Computer Science Engineering (CSE). The Department offers papers specialized in Networking, Data Mining, Information Systems and Cloud Computing, Bioinformatics and Computational biology, Computer vision and pattern recognition, Data mining and machine learning, Distributed systems and grid computing, Operating systems and computer networks, Computer security, and Scientific computing with an intake of 40 students. The Department admits the students based on the ranks obtained in the State level Common Entrance Test (vide ICET) and subsequent admission counselling by the Andhra Pradesh State Council of Higher Education (APSCHE). The Department also offers two years M.Tech program and Ph.D. program in Computer Science Engineering (CSE).

The Department of Computer Science have much strengths including its high faculty-to-student ratio, state of the art facilities, strong focus on postgraduate education balanced with leading-edge research. The department has awarded 25 Ph.Ds. and 01 M.Phil. degrees. The faulty members published more than 300 research papers in reputed international and national journals. Two faculty members of the Department have secured five patents to their credit. The Department organized two national level seminars and actively engaged in research. The faculty members attended and presented research papers in various International and National conferences. The alumni of the department have been placed in companies of national and international repute.