Department of English (DOE)

Dr. M Koteswara Rao

Head of the Department


This Department was established in the academic year 2008-09, in the inception year of the University. The basic purpose of the various courses offered by the department is to develop the awareness and proficiency of English language and literature among the students, thereby enhancing their knowledge, and employability, as well as developing a cosmopolitan outlook in them. It contributes to the existing level of knowledge, through various research endeavours in  English language, literature and various dimensions of literatures in English.

The Department is distinctive in offering a two year Masters Degree Programme in English and Comparative Literature with a choice-based Comprehensive Credit System. The carefully structured syllabi of this course focuses not only on the development of better communication skills of students but also includes papers incorporating themes and topics ranging from New Literatures and translational studies, Interdisciplinary studies, which also spreads over the idea of turning theory into practice. The course consists of specialized papers in History of English Literature, Trends in Literary Practice, Introduction to Communication Skills and basic and advanced English language teaching. It has been actively engaging in research. The thrust areas/specializations of the the Department of English are: Comparative Literature and Translation, Literature of the Indian Diaspora, Ecocriticism, Literary Theory, Marxist Literary Theory & literature, Fourth world Literatures (Dalit and Aadivaasi Literatures), Afro-American Literature, Black British Writing, Autobiographical and Biographical Writings. The Department of English also offers research programme leading to award of full-time and part-time M.Phil and Ph.D., programmes from the academic year 2009-10.

The Department of English has published more than 90 research articles in peer reviewed, National and International journals. The Department has awarded 07 Ph.D. and 01 M.Phil degrees so far. The Department has two awards to its credit for the contribution of their faculty. The Department organized three National level seminars/conferences and five State/Regional level works shops.